Sad to see the Rangers lose tonight. I really hoped they could pull it out and bring home a first time world series. I am just glad they put the NY Spankies away before losing. Their bats just weren't with them. Hats off to the SF Giants.
I had a gentleman customer the other day. He wanted some film developed. The first question I ask him is his phone number. He said I was the 4th female that day to ask for his number. Then he yells at his wife..."honey here is another one wanting my number". He was joking, of course. He laughed. I laughed. Then he told me a joke. What do you call an empty hot dog? A hollow weenie. I love a sense of humor, even if it is silly.
Yesterday was Halloween. My sons are 15 and 12 and felt they are too old to do any trick or treating. Ty would have liked to go "hang out" with some of his friends last night, but since it was a school night, and I am a fuddy dud, I didn't let him go out. Soon enough he will be driving and never be at home. I read a lot of remarks on facebook about people getting adult trick or treaters or older kids. I think that is ridiculous. Ty is 15 and has not done any trick or treating in at least 3-4 years. Last year he just escorted his brother Trystan and a friend around, but didn't even carry a bag. Neither of them is that crazy about candy anyway. I guess I am lucky in that respect. I am glad I live out in the middle of nothing and never have any trick or treaters. I might speak my mind to the older ones and end up getting "tricked" in some way. LOL
Working is going good but certain things really grate on my nerves. One is parents who let their children throw tantrums in the middle of the store and do nothing about it. The other day there was a boy of about 6 or 7 standing in a basket (which is hazardous enough) and he was throwing the biggest fit. He was screaming and crying (with no tears in sight). The mother was just walking through the aisles leaving him alone in the basket. I am the type of parent that is all for spanking when spanking is needed. There is a time and a place for it. I was not one that liked to spank my kids and didn't do it often, but that doesn't mean I was against it. This kid definitely needed to be taken to the bathroom and given a swat or two. In the end the parent gave in to the child and the screaming stopped. That just taught the child that throwing a fit will get him what he wants.
Can repetitive noises drive a person to insanity? I think so. The electric carts in the store are pushing me to the brink. Especially when they run out of juice, they incessantly sit there and beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. It is not a low beep or a quiet beep. It is a high pitched beep that seeps into the brain. I believe these machines would be good to use for interrogations. Just put one of these in the room and after a while the person will answer any and all questions just to get away from the beeping. Forget waterboarding! Let's cart beep them into submission!
And the last of my randomness for tonight. Am I OCD? When I buy multiple items, I have to buy even amounts. I can't buy 3 of something. I have to buy either 2 or 4. I tried to buy 3 of something the other day and had to go back and get another one to make it 4. I can buy items in ones, but if I buy in multiples it has to be in even numbers.
That's all I have for tonight.
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