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Monday, December 27, 2010

Random weirdness or weird randomness today

It was a strange day. It started out just waiting and doing nothing much. We went to San Angelo and were rounding a corner when the car in front of us did something really weird. The driver opened the door and proceeded to throw up. Gross, I know! The thing about it was he or she did this without missing a beat or even swerving the car, while going around a curve. Ty and I looked at each other like, "did we really just see that happen?" I guess I should have been sickened by it but it was just so strange. In my 44 years I have to say I have never seen anything remotely close to that. I have seen people pull over, or men open the door and spit while stopped, or even people pouring out liquid out a door, but never while driving around a curve.

I am not sure how to take this next one. I dropped the boys with their brother in Midland and on the way back home I went through a drive through. The lady working says...."your car smells good". Those exact words. I wasn't sure if I should take that as a compliment or not. I can safely say I have never been told my car smelled good. I do have one of those hanging air fresheners, but it isn't new. It is a yankee candle coconut something. I am not sure it even smells anymore. Now I am particular about my personal hygiene but I am not sure about my car. Smelling good is a good thing. It is better than it smelling like a locker room when the boys leave their gym bag and shoes in there, but I don't regularly deodorize my car. So, I will just believe it was me she was smelling and take it as a compliment.

I know I haven't blogged in a while. It has been so crazy with work, school, and the holidays. This isn't much but I found it strangely amusing to me so I shared!

Happy New Year!!

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